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: What is behind Google Analytics shopping process stages? We have several stages in our shopping process where I do not know what is the exactly meaning of these stages: TRANSACTION NO_PRODUCT_VIEW


Posted in: #Ecommerce #GoogleAnalytics

We have several stages in our shopping process where I do not know what is the exactly meaning of these stages:


Here I assume:

ADD_TO_CART <= product added to cart
CHECKOUT_1 <= checkout step 1
CHECKOUT_2 <= checkout step 2
CHECKOUT_3 <= checkout step 3
CHECKOUT_4 <= checkout step 4
CHECKOUT_5 <= checkout step 5
CHECKOUT_6 <= checkout step 6
CHECKOUT_3_WITHOUT_CHECKOUT_2 <= checkout step 3 and jumped over step 2

Do you know the meaning of the first blocks stages?

Here a piece of code of our tracking:

<script type='text/javascript'>
<?php foreach($cartItems as $_quoteItem) : ?>
<?php if ($_quoteItem->getParentItemId()) continue; ?>

ga('ec:addProduct', {
'id': '<?php echo $this->jsQuoteEscape($_quoteItem->getSku(), '"') ?>',
'name': '<?php echo $this->jsQuoteEscape($_quoteItem->getName(), '"') ?>',
'category': '<?php echo $helper->getQuoteCategoryName($_quoteItem) ?>',
'brand': '<?php echo $helper->getBrand($_quoteItem->getProduct()) ?>',
'variant': '<?php echo $helper->getVariantProperty($_quoteItem->getProduct()) ?>',
'price': '<?php echo $_quoteItem->getBasePrice() ?>',
'quantity': '<?php echo $_quoteItem->getQty() ?>'
<?php endforeach; ?>

var paymentMethod = jQuery('input[name="payment[method]"]:checked').next().text();

ga('ec:setAction', 'checkout', {
'step': <?php echo $helper->getStepNumber(5) ?>,
'option': paymentMethod

ga('send', {
hitType: 'event',
eventCategory: 'Checkout',
eventAction: 'click',
eventLabel: 'Payment Method - ' + paymentMethod,
nonInteraction : 1

ga('send', {
hitType: 'pageview',
page: location.pathname + 'payment-information/'

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Are you talking about Analytics E-commerce reporting?

In which case, it looks like these are labels for actions reporting via the e-commerce submit. It has actions that can be recorded for Views, View Details, Add to basket, etc. You can find details here.

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