: Interpolating color works exatly the same as interpolating in space. It is just that the color space is a bit peculiar in general. Its not often very fruitfull to interpolate in RGB directly,
Interpolating color works exatly the same as interpolating in space. It is just that the color space is a bit peculiar in general. Its not often very fruitfull to interpolate in RGB directly, though that works quite well if you use some kind of linear, piecewice linear or spline interpolation.
It is often a good idea to interpolate in Lab space, or if you want to be somehow really pedantic use some space corrected for tha data of Munsell. Or you can use a HSB/HSL space and rotate about in that space instead. Depends on what you need really.
Here is a example of alpha blend which is equal to linear interpolation between 2 colors.
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