: How to create a color of the same brightness and saturation? Let's consider three colors: Red, Green and Blue. For blue I created a specific shade, something like #F2F5F7. If you see this color,
Let's consider three colors: Red, Green and Blue. For blue I created a specific shade, something like #F2F5F7 . If you see this color, it has a certain level of shade, brightness and saturation value of blue.
I want to create the same equivalent color but for Green and Red, how to get that?
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This is exactly what the HSB colour model is for. You have almost exactly named the model's variables in your question:
Hue is the 'kind' of colour: red, blue, orange, yellow;
Saturation is inverse with the amount of white you add to the hue;
Brightness is inverse with the amount of black you add.
So, to take your example colour of #F2F5F7 . you can convert this into HSB in Photoshop or Illustrator's colour picker, yielding H=203, S=1, B=96 as HSB values.
All you have to do now is change the H to the hue you want. For a green, try H=83 and leave the S and B values intact. This is converted by the colour picker right away and yields #f3f4f2 .
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